FoxDot Part 1

FoxDot Part 1

Jens Meisner


FoxDot is an easy-to-use Python library that creates an interactive programming environment and talks to the powerful sound synthesis engine, called SuperCollider to make music.

FoxDot schedules musical events in a user-friendly and easy-to-grasp manner that makes live coding easy and fun for both programming newcomers and veterans alike.

Workshop is momentarily available in English and in German.


Please bring your own laptop and headphones to the workshop.

I will go through the installation with you. However, if you can install Supercollider and FoxDot before the workshop, it will reduce the probability of getting stuck on installation problems.

There is another way to prepare in case you have trouble installing, or you just want to try things out before installation. I made a distro image, so if you have an usb stick and you can boot Linux on your laptop, check it out! Workshop Distro


Movement is life, balance is not a fixed point. Confusion is an unknown path. Experiments lead to clarity. Chaos creates patterns.

Beside my work as an Artist, I would like to share my gained skills and knowledge with teachers, students and kids. That is why I created workshops which I offer to people and institutions as teaching tools and content that can be freely modified through its open-source nature.


Gitlab link for FoxDot_CodingMusic_Part1 !