Welcome to CtrlReturn

Join our meetup CtrlReturn >> Jam & Learn at c-base
where art, technology, and innovation travels through
time and space!


Ctrlreturn.de – where Art meets Coding! During our monthly "CtrlReturn >> Jam&Learn" at c-base, we'll dive into real-time music and video creation using code and explore different platforms/tools for performances.

Live-Coding Audio

Using Software e.g. FoxDot/Renardo, Tidal Cycles, SonicPi, or SuperCollider to compose music

Live-Coding Visuals

Create interactive video loops and visual compositions with software e.g. Hydra

Together in real-time

Collaborative jamming IRL or online using Troop or Flok


As Newbie or Expert, this is a good opportunity to share your passion with others



What is on

10/01/25 Jam&Learn #8 A round table in Mainhall
Collaborative audio-visual performance
à la Learning-by-doing
14/02/25 Jam&Learn #9 Class room
Intro to CtrlReturn Distro
Collaborative audio-visual session
14/03/25 Jam&Learn #10 A round table in Mainhall
19.30 Intro to latest CtrlReturn Distro
20.00 Collaborative audio-visual performance
à la Learning-by-doing
11/04/25 Jam&Learn #11 A round table in Mainhall
Collaborative audio-visual performance
à la Learning-by-doing
09/05/25 Jam&Learn #12 A round table in Mainhall
Collaborative audio-visual performance
à la Learning-by-doing

Become a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Codealaxy!

Are you Live-Coding Artist and/or Tutor?

Sign up for jam meetups and future events

Get Involved!

The Place

According to the club members' “findings”, the space station c-base once got into a time hole and crashed to Earth from a distant future due to the suddenly changed conditions. There were a number of highly technical developments and life forms that had not yet been researched on board.

  • 4500000000

    Age of Space station
  • 1995

    Year of Discovery